
Parent behaviour

It was very sad to hear of a school in the news this week, who from next year are banning parents from sports day because of poor parent behaviour. Sports day should be about celebrating children’s effort, but it seems some parents were not behaving in a manner that would be expected within school and with children present. I hope our sports day is a time where we can all support and celebrate the children’s effort and achievement. We look forward to seeing you there.


With this in mind, I would like to remind all parents about our school expectations of them when in the school grounds. Please ensure your behaviour and what you say cannot in any way be deemed aggressive or intimidating towards others. We want all parents and children to be able to enter and leave school in a safe and calm manner and not feel in anyway daunted by having to pass other parents at the gate. A copy of our parent behaviour policy is attached which states clearly how inappropriate behaviour will be dealt with.